Audiobooks for Blind

Knowledge is a life sustaining gift. Kind Karma Foundation converts physical books into digital audio files for the visually impaired. Let us all help us all to live a better life full of dignity and respect.

Kind Hearted Karma works closely with multiple organizations working with visually impaired. There is huge shortage of audio books in under developed and developing countries. Let us use our words for “Good Karma”, to help visually impaired understand world better.

​Kind Hearted Karma provides the list of the .pdf files for which audio files need to be created. Students/adults can create those via their Smart Phone recorder or Laptop recorder and submit the .MP3 files.

Audio Books are required in following languages:

(Please note: Requirements keep changing on a regular basis depending on how many Digital Books are there in our backlogs)

  • English (Huge backlog at present)
  • Hindi
  • Bengali
Kind of Audio Books out teams are working on:
  • Course Books
  • Competitive Exam books
  • General Knowledge Books
  • Historical / Geographic Books
  • Recreational / Fictional Books
  • Non- Fictional books
General Instructions to record as Audio File:
  • Sit at a quiet place
  • Speak slowly, clearly and with expressions (Commas, Full stops)
  • Make sure you mention page number every time you read a new page
  • Mention Chapter Numbers, Chapter Names along with page numbers very clearly
  • You can record on your Smart Phone or Laptop audio recorder
  • Please track the date and time to submit with the audio files, to get your appropriate volunteer hours
  • At the beginning of a book/ chapter please mention your name as a speaker  of the audio file

Kind Hearted Karma team is looking for more partners in the following countries:

  • Bangladesh
  • Nepal
  • Indonesia
  • Ethiopia
  • Iran
  • Brazil
  • Turkey

If you know Non-Profit Organizations in any one of these countries working closely with Blind/Visually Impaired people, help us get in touch with them.