469-269 6468 info@kkf.world 6009 W. Parker #149-898, Plano TX 75093

Project Type: Open for All

Community Seed Bombs

The Seed Bomb Project Kind Hearted Karma works closely with the City’s Park & Recreation division to help them plan and beautify the city one year ahead of the season.  What are Seed Bombs? City’s Park and Recreation team spend time with School going kids to create a large pool of Seed Bombs. These seeds belong to wild …

Protecting Wildlife

Climate change across the Globe is happening at a much rapid pace in the past 5 years than it was ever in our history. There are several regions in the world where the change has been too drastic for the ecosystem and this has resulted in a massive shock for Flora and Fauna. Regions like …

Audiobooks for Blind

Knowledge is a life sustaining gift. Kind Karma Foundation converts physical books into digital audio files for the visually impaired. Let us all help us all to live a better life full of dignity and respect. ​Kind Hearted Karma works closely with multiple organizations working with visually impaired. There is huge shortage of audio books in under developed and developing countries. …